SAU Center for Research and Innovative Learning



South Asian University New Delhi, India, has recently established a study and research center, SAU Center for Research and Innovative Learning (SCRIL), to nurture human resources for academia and industry. Liverpool Hope University UK initially funded the center. 



SAU Center for Research and Innovative Learning (SCRIL) is a holistic platform for providing the necessary knowledge, skill, and intellectual outputs to academics and industry according to their field of interest. In SCRIL, it is planned to initiate collaboration programs between academics (various educational institutes/Universities) and industry for skill development in the latest technological developments. The center attracts research funding from various industries and academic institutions. SCRIL will also design the skill development programs, which will be instrumental in helping the students/budding professionals in building their careers in industries by filling the gap between the industry demand and the academic approach to learning. These programs are conducted by well-known industry experts and experienced academicians from renowned institutions in India and abroad. In addition, the center also provides various certification programs for the students in the areas of science and technology.  The focus is on conducting multi-disciplinary research and innovation on emerging trends, technologies, and real-life applications.   



Project goals:

1. To enhance the knowledge, technical skills, and employability of faculty members /students /industry professionals /researchers.

2. To offer advanced programs/specialized modules/projects/Workshops, Summer/Winter schools, faculty development programs, professional development programs, Certificate programs/conferences/symposia in the interdisciplinary research areas of science and technology.

3. To facilitate faculties and industry professionals to level up with the growing technological advancements and industrial needs.

4. To create a pool of innovative ideas by involving the resource persons from academia, and industry.

5. To establish a research, study, and training center to foster and support pioneering innovative ideas with the help of the existing research expertise and capacity at SAU and around the world.



With the primary objective of nurturing human resources for academia and industry, the following are the major focused activities under the proposed center:

  1. Short term training programs
  2. Faculty development programs (FDPs)
  3. Professional development programs (PDPs)
  4. Weekend lectures/courses  for working executives
  5. Conducting value addition certificate courses
  6. Organizing conferences/workshops/schools by eminent faculty from India and abroad
  7. Internship Program
  8. Organizing various Competitions on the latest technology to create awareness.
  9. International collaboration with other organizations and industries.
  10. Collaborative research projects.
  11. Seeking external research funding for center/research projects / to organize various academic events
  12. Part-time consultancy services to the industry
  13. Providing a forum for exchanging ideas or establishing a linkage among scientists of leading institutions and industries working in similar areas through visits to the center on the invitation.
  14. Research publications as an outcome of collaborative or sponsored research.



SCRIL will be a capacity-building center for research scholars, scientists, engineers, software and IT professionals, students, and working professionals in the field of science and technological development.

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